A project potentially infinite in time and space, with the goal of creating a potentially infinite network of artists.
ARS ON MARS wants to set itself as a starting point for developing a mosaic fabric of experiences, modes of expression, innovative and surprising narratives: a great digital artists’ book!
The inspiration for the choice of the title comes from the meeting of two languages, Latin (ars = art) and English (on mars), to immediately convey the intent of the project. Indeed, ARS ON MARS wishes to give voice to the multidisciplinary mission of marte and to spread knowledge of contemporary arts, potentially involving every artistic practice.
The artist develops a mini-story that relates to marte through one or more elements in the narrative. They enjoy autonomy in the choice of the story and its evolution, technique and style.
marte believes deeply in the cross-pollination of artistic disciplines and practices. ARS ON MARS is the springboard for expressing this concept on an ongoing basis on our platforms and to an ever-widening audience.